Wednesday, February 10, 2010

1. State Theatre
2. New Brunswick Train Station
3. People's National Bank

Monday, February 8, 2010


here is the link to my Google Autobiography!

View The life of Tawn in a larger map

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Discussion Quesions

Would you consider vanguard culture or avant-garde activity a form of Bohemianism?

How different do you think the world would be without electronic mapping devices?

Is Daniel Spoerri "snare pictures" a form of avant-garde?

step to step

Here is the trail I left for Allen. I did this trail because it pertains to me and my involvement in Neighborhood Narratives.

here is my hunt. any questions feel free to ask me.

Google "president"

Click on the second main result. Hint: wiki

Click the name underneath the photo of our current president

Scroll down to the bottom and underneath External Link's Official sites click the link for the Official Nobel page for this President link

On the right hand side click Other Resources

Now click the resource for which will redirect you to the President's page at the big house he lives in

Scroll down the the bottom and under Issues choose any issue which interests you

On the right side click the red sign which represents one of the most recent natural disasters and learn how to help

On the right side under Stay Connected click the link for the page which takes you to the place where we will be sharing photos for Neighborhood Narratives.

Go to the website which owns this photo sharing browser

In the search menu search the full name of our professor

Click the first result

At the top of the page click the number +.03 title

Than click Neighborhood Narratives

Proceed to the NN website and explore!

Monday, February 1, 2010

my tuesday

Images on this blog are items from my tuesday January 26. Items like my ipod and hand sanitizer are items that are used in my everyday life. The gloves were used because it was really cold outside. I included the photo of the shoes I wore on Tuesday, that got me from class to class. I also posted a picture of the powerpoint and notes I took in my Tuesdays Microeconomics analysis course. The cup was from Tuesday's takeout on college ave. The craisins and the gatorade, which I didn't finish, are the snack I ate in class on.